
Before you report a fault:

  • Take a moment to evaluate whether it is a fault or not. Are you using the feature as intended? Search the Metastreet Help Centre to see if the you are using the feature correctly.
  • Reproduce the issue again.  Does it still occur?  Has it resolved itself? Do you know the steps taken to cause the issue? 
  • Gather all information, this can include:
    • Capture images (screenshots*) of the issue, include annotations if necessary
    • Capture images (screenshots*) of any error message that is displayed when experiencing the issue
    • Capture a video recording (screencast*) of the issue
    • Detail the steps taken to help us try and recreate this issue
    • Detail any steps you may have taken to resolve this issue yourself 
    • Provide the reference number and address of the affected record(s)
    • Advise how many other users/records this is affecting (if known)
    • Note the date and time the issue occurred

Making the report:

Use the reporting form to submit your service request.

  • Give it a clear title that summarises the issue or fault
  • Describe the issue in detail and include all relevant information gathered in the previous step
  • Upload any important attachments such as screenshots or videos

Give as much information as you can. If the Metastreet support team cannot reproduce and experience the issue, then we probably cannot fix it either.


After you make a report:

  • The Metastreet support team will investigate your issue as soon as possible. 
  • Keep an eye on your email in case the Metastreet support staff reach out for more information.
  • The Metastreet team will either provide you with the support required to resolve your issue or raise a ticket for our technical team to further investigate and fix the issue.  

Metastreet will endeavour to investigate and fix all issues received however some issues may not be fixed immediately. The severity and complexity of the issue, how number users impacted and Metastreet's development priorities may impact the time taken to fully resolve some issues. 

*where possible, please try and redact any personal information